Explore the wide variety of links that are designed to support our students, familes, and staff.
Myakka River Elementary School is a caring family and community, growing mighty LEADERS to achieve academic excellence.
What Makes Us Great ...
Myakka River Elementary School provides a supportive and stimulating learning environment, where all students have the opportunity to reach their full potential and succeed.
Our chorus brought holiday cheer to the community at the Port Charlotte Chick-Fil-A.
Congratulations to our students who read 1,000,000 words.
MRE students enjoy a read aloud by Mrs. Morris, our Title I Achievement & Family Associate
On the first Friday of each month, our dads, grandpas, uncles, and other male role models welcome our students at parent drop off and the bus loop.
At Myakka River, we follow our MIGHTY expectations by being respectful, engaged, and safe.
Start Your Journey Today
View the full calendar to see all the exciting events we have happening in the next few weeks and months!